Unleash Your Startup's Potential with Sandbox Africa Ventures

We approach VC differently. We aim to accelerate your time to market by fostering global partnerships and collaborations, providing access to capital, and facilitating access to APIs, data, intellectual property, licenses, and other vital resources.

Efficient Business Planning

Leverage our tools to create robust business plans that attract investors and drive your startup's growth.

Streamline Product Planning

Leverage our tools to create robust business plans that attract investors and drive your startup's growth.

Effortless Team Collaboration

Connect with partners and collaborators to share ideas, resources, and opportunities for mutual growth.

Integration Requests Made Easy

Easily request and manage integrations to enhance your startup's capabilities and reach.

Essential Resources Access

Get access to APIs, data, intellectual property, and other resources crucial for your startup's success.

Opportunities for Mentorship

Learn from industry veterans through our mentorship programs, designed to guide you through your startup journey.

Overcome Regulatory Hurdles

Navigate regulatory challenges with ease, thanks to our expert guidance and resources.

Unlock Funding Opportunities

Discover potential funding sources and learn how to attract investors with our comprehensive resources.

Empathy-Driven Investment Approach

At Sandbox Africa Ventures, we understand the unique challenges that African tech startups, particularly those led by black founders, face. Our team is composed of active entrepreneurs who have experienced firsthand the pains and inefficiencies of the traditional VC model. We know how limited access to funding, mentorship, and essential resources can hinder a startup's growth and delay its go-to-market strategy. This empathy-driven approach allows us to provide a more supportive and efficient investment model that truly understands and caters to the needs of African tech startups.

The Fellowship Model - A New Era of Venture Capital

Breaking away from the traditional partner and associate model of VC firms, Sandbox Africa Ventures operates on a fellowship model. Our firm is led by managing fellows, and our team is composed of associate fellows and entrepreneurs-in-residence. This unique structural model allows us to create a more collaborative and supportive environment for startups. It fosters stronger partnerships and collaborations, providing startups with immediate access to a network for access to capital, mentorship, and vital resources.


Join us and overcome the challenges of limited funding, lack of mentorship, regulatory hurdles, and limited access to essential resources.

Let's build the future of African tech together.